Thursday, December 17, 2009

No... you don't.

Dear Teenage Girls,

Do not espouse to me, or anyone else, including him, how much you love and adore your boyfriend.

Because you don't.

You don't even understand what love means.

I'm not trying to be an ass, but the thing is you're just young.

Go log some hours at your local hospice. Spoon feed some poor dying slob something that has the consistency of mud and smells like death or spoiled milk, then change the bed pan and wipe his ass for him. Make sure you get all the urine and feces off of his unmentionables or he'll get a rash. EEEEEWWWW!!!! GROSS!!! Right?


Understand that your boyfriend, that you love so dearly, could get hit by a truck at any time and end up just like that. Now, imagine dropping out of school, and getting a shitty job that you hate. Work that job for 10 hours a day so that you can pay the bills, then go spend 6 hours spoon feeding and ass-wiping your boyfriend. Your boyfriend, incidentally, is way too fucked up to stick it in you any more, just in case you hadn't figured that out. You're lucky if you can have simple conversations. More than likely it's moans and grunts.

Fuck that shit right?

Well. That's what love is. It means being there no matter what.

Your boyfriend may not have said 'I love you too'. Give him credit for that. He probably doesn't know why, he doesn't really understand what love is either. But he does know that he's not going to wipe drool off of your face, and clean you up when you shit all over yourself. Don't nag him, and ask him why he never tells you he loves you. It's because he doesn't, and he knows it, and he doesn't want to lie to your face. He damned well may love you some day. He damned well may be willing to give up the entirety of his life to take care of you. But today is not that day. You should admire him for this, and give credit where credit is due.

Your boyfriend may well have told you that he loves you. He lied. Don't get too pissed off. He probably doesn't even know it. He didn't set out to lie to you. He just doesn't understand what he's saying, any more than you do. But I can tell you what he really meant when he said "I love you." What he really meant was "You make my dangly parts quit dangling!" or maybe he meant "I like it when you let me stick it in you!"

That's ok. Really it is. Boys, and men have this thing where we like to stick it in girls or women. Women and girls sometimes like it when we do that. It's part of life. It's part of growing up. Sometimes, we even go further than that, and enjoy each others company. We hang out and we do stuff together, and it's fun. We like it. All of us are pretty hard wired to want sex and companionship. That's in almost every case a very good thing. But that's not love.

So let's just try to be more honest.

Don't tell him you love him.
Don't tell me you love him.
Don't tell your friends how much you love him.
Don't tell his friends how much you love him.
Don't tell his parents, or your parents you love him.
Don't post on the internet how much you love him. The more you do this, the less the rest of us believe you. It's like you've stopped trying to tell us, and started trying to convince yourself. That can't be healthy.
And damned sure don't write "I love Darwood! <3" on the fucking bathroom wall.

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